Circus Smirkus

    In 2013 Circus Smirkus purchased 29 acres on Breezy Avenue for a permanent summer camp. Located over the past 23 years in rented facilities all over northern Vermont, the camp holds sessions of several days to two weeks, preparing youngsters for performance under Circus’ big tent in North Greensboro and on tour all over the north country. Before his death, Lacey Smith arranged for the Circus to receive an additional three acres from his estate for camp dormitories on condition that 20+ acres of the main property be conserved with the GLT.

    Greensboro’s Development Review Board approved the camp project on the same condition. The easement was consummated in March 2015. As a result, with the abutting 30-acre Greensboro Green owned by the Vermont Land Trust, a total of 50+ acres in the village center is now conserved.    With Jasper Hill Cheese having acquired the Smiths’ property and negotiated agricultural use and access agreements on Circus’ conserved land, it is expected that this part of Greensboro will soon see a return to dairy farming.