Warren and Laura Hill

    This 61.2-acre holding comprises a homestead of 36.2 acres on the west side of Hillcrest Road that has been in Lewis Hill’s family since 1809, and a managed forest of 25 acres on the road’s eastern side. In December 2004 Lewis and his wife Nancy donated an easement on both parcels to the GLT. Lewis’s wife Nancy inherited the property on his death in 2008. Lewis’s grandnephew Warren III and his wife Laura purchased the property from Nancy in 2012.

    A large portion of the Hills’ western boundary adjoins Shaun and Darren Hill’s land and the Long Pond Natural Area along Sawmill Brook, after it drains the pond. Forming most of the northern and western boundaries of the new Green Mountain Monastery, the property has 792 feet of frontage along Hillcrest Road, a public highway with scenic vistas.

    Like Brian Hill, Lewis was a descendant of one of Greensboro’s original proprietors (1791) Peleg Hill, Sr. In 1809 Peleg’s grandson Aaron acquired land bordering Sawmill Brook and soon opened a tavern along what was then a major north-south thoroughfare. The family operated a sawmill and grist mill on the brook into the late 1830s.

    The Hills’ present home was built in 1840.The easement allows a maximum of one residence, on the west side of Hillcrest Road, in addition to the existing five-acre homestead complex.