Join & Support GLT

The Greensboro Land Trust protects open space in Greensboro by acquiring development rights through purchase and gift.

    We invite you to join our land conservation efforts with your tax-deductible contribution. Your contribution will be used to purchase development rights on select agricultural, forest and other open land. Farmers, by selling development rights, can obtain working capital and keep fields in hay for all of us to enjoy.

    You might wish to consider donating development rights to part or all of your land to obtain both income and estate tax advantages, while leaving a rich legacy to our beloved community. Volunteers on our board include attorneys who are willing to come and speak with you about the tax implications of a donation. We also have access to the expertise of the Vermont Land Trust and can work with your tax advisors and estate planners to construct a favorable result for you and your heirs. If you are interested, please call Clive Gray at 533-7723 (summer) or 533-2609 (winter) to schedule an appointment.

Sincerely yours,

The Board of Trustees and Advisory Committee of the Greensboro Land Trust

For further information contact:
John Cannon, chair, at 802-533-7122, or
Clive Gray, vice-chair, at 802-533-2609 (Oct-May) or 802-533-7723 (June-Sep)
Greensboro Land Trust, Box 135, Greensboro, VT 05841